We supply uniforms for Kingdom citizens. Our brand seeks to use clothing as a means to stir one’s affections for God. For us, it’s not just about ink meeting fabric, but the message it communicates.
Personal devotion to God. At Native Supply that's our inspiration and our aim, for ourselves and for you. In all that we do, we live for His Glory Alone. May God use our merchandise to stir your affections for Him!

Why choose us?

Our brand seeks to use clothing as a means to stir one’s affections for God. For us, it’s not just about ink meeting fabric, but the message it communicates. May we live for His Glory Alone in all that we do.

Faith in fabric. That means two things for us at Native Supply. First, you can trust the quality of our brand & know it's ethically sourced. That’s faith in our fabric. Second, our faith in Christ is etched into every piece of our merch. That’s our faith in our fabric.
Who are we? We're Natives... to our culture, ethnicity, heritage but most importantly we're Natives to the kingdom of God. We see that this world is not our home. We are natives of another world. We don't run, we don't hide, we belong here. We're Native Supply