HGA Japan Glory Tee | Native Supply Spring '18 Collection

What’s good Natives?
Have you ever been to Japan? Me neither but our Creative Director Jon has and one thing that he noticed is that God and his glory is everywhere.
One beautiful thing about The Gospel is that God not only redeems one group and ethnicity of people but he redeems ALL groups and ethnicities of people. The Gospel is universal and because of that God redeems people from every nation, tribe and toungue to worship and adore him forever (Rev 7:9-11).
Culture is amazing! It’s one of the things that God intended on us to make within the cultural mandate in which he gave us in (Gen 1:28) and because of this, all over the world we see different cultures that are diverse in food, design, dress, artifacts, ways of life, etc. and all point to God’s diversity.
Isaiah the prophet had a vision one day and in that vision he saw these Seraphim Angels exclaim praise and adoration to The Lord saying:
“....Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” (Isa 6:3)
One theme that is powerful all throughout scripture is the glory of God. God’s glory denotes weight, it’s heavy, heavy with the idea that the supreme ruler of all the earth does all things for and to His glory.
HGA (His Glory Alone) is not just a cool mantra that we have, it’s a way of life! We live—and would even die— for God’s glory alone because we have come to know that He is worth our full devotion and knowing Jesus is better than anything this world can offer (Matt 13:44-46), (Psalm 4:7).
This brings us to our new “Glory” tee.
Inspired by the Japanese esthetic we wanted to design something that was not only culturally dope (Japanese design and kaligraphy has always been awesome) but something that shows that God’s glory reaches all over the earth. We have brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world that have also come to know Jesus.
In Japanese the “栄光” that you will see on the “Glory” tee means just that - “glory. We want you to not only love the aesthetic of the design but also feel empowered to represent and live for the glory of God when you rock your gear. God is worldwide and his glory is all through the earth (yes, even in Japan) and our new Japanese inspired designs seeks to communicate that to the rest of the world.
So as you go out with your new gear on remember that you are a vessel of God used to bring glory to his name no matter where you are in the world.
Live for His Glory Alone.
Be faithful. Be humble. Be a Native.
Have you ever been to Japan? Me neither but our Creative Director Jon has and one thing that he noticed is that God and his glory is everywhere.
One beautiful thing about The Gospel is that God not only redeems one group and ethnicity of people but he redeems ALL groups and ethnicities of people. The Gospel is universal and because of that God redeems people from every nation, tribe and toungue to worship and adore him forever (Rev 7:9-11).
Culture is amazing! It’s one of the things that God intended on us to make within the cultural mandate in which he gave us in (Gen 1:28) and because of this, all over the world we see different cultures that are diverse in food, design, dress, artifacts, ways of life, etc. and all point to God’s diversity.
Isaiah the prophet had a vision one day and in that vision he saw these Seraphim Angels exclaim praise and adoration to The Lord saying:
“....Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” (Isa 6:3)
One theme that is powerful all throughout scripture is the glory of God. God’s glory denotes weight, it’s heavy, heavy with the idea that the supreme ruler of all the earth does all things for and to His glory.
HGA (His Glory Alone) is not just a cool mantra that we have, it’s a way of life! We live—and would even die— for God’s glory alone because we have come to know that He is worth our full devotion and knowing Jesus is better than anything this world can offer (Matt 13:44-46), (Psalm 4:7).
This brings us to our new “Glory” tee.
Inspired by the Japanese esthetic we wanted to design something that was not only culturally dope (Japanese design and kaligraphy has always been awesome) but something that shows that God’s glory reaches all over the earth. We have brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world that have also come to know Jesus.
In Japanese the “栄光” that you will see on the “Glory” tee means just that - “glory. We want you to not only love the aesthetic of the design but also feel empowered to represent and live for the glory of God when you rock your gear. God is worldwide and his glory is all through the earth (yes, even in Japan) and our new Japanese inspired designs seeks to communicate that to the rest of the world.
So as you go out with your new gear on remember that you are a vessel of God used to bring glory to his name no matter where you are in the world.
Live for His Glory Alone.
Be faithful. Be humble. Be a Native.
Cant wait to get mine! love the graphics and the message behind the piece.
Just had to say that I love this shirt! I’m so glad that this post was written so I could understand the vision behind the design. I’m a big fan of Japan, and I was excited to buy this shirt once I saw it :) God bless, and to His glory alone always.
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